Rent Outdoor Gear in Flagstaff

It’s no surprise that Flagstaff attracts outdoorsy folks, just like you. It is an excellent destination for people who want to spend nights under a star filled sky. Whether you’re a backpacker or car camper looking to get away from the bustling city life, Flagstaff’s endless ponderosa pine forest has just the thing for you. With trails a plenty, mountain bikers and hikers will never have trouble finding something to do. Heck, you can even dabble in water sports if you’re willing to drive a bit! But it’s not always easy to lug gear around with you or commit to buying some fancy equipment if you’re just figuring out what you like and how you like it. That is why we rent gear!
Peace Surplus offers year round camping gear rentals, including tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, hiking poles and more. We also offer Stand Up Paddle board rentals when warm weather allows. Rather you’re planning a hiking trip to the mountains, river trip to Grand Canyon, or are backpacking through the forests of Flagstaff we do our best to make it easy for you to go on your outdoor adventure.
Who should rent outdoor gear in Flagstaff?
Short answer? Everyone can—and should— rent outdoor gear from Peace Surplus. Many local Flagstaff residents don’t own their own tents or microspikes, but that shouldn’t be a barrier to getting out there and exploring the great outdoors. If you have a friend visiting from out of town who couldn’t bring their tent on their flight, send them to Peace! That way you can travel light to and from flagstaff without giving up any part of your dream vacation. If you’re visiting from out of town and want to see what the great outdoors have to offer here in Northern Arizona, why not rent some quality outdoor gear and find out?
Why should I rent outdoor gear?
Sometimes renting just makes more sense. Perhaps you want to test the water before committing to buying a Stand Up Paddleboard, or want to see how cold you sleep before investing in your own sleeping bag. Outdoor gear can be a hefty investment, and it’s not always the perfect time to splurge on your own gear. Maybe you only go camping a few times a year, and would prefer to save some money on a tent. Or maybe your sleeping bag just broke, and you need something for your upcoming trip. Maybe your knees have been talking to you, and you need to test out some hiking poles before buying your own. Gear rental allows you to explore Flagstaff’s wilder areas without committing to all the hassle that comes with owning it. No need to store it, buy it, or even dread repairing it.
What kind of outdoor gear can I rent?
Peace Surplus has the essentials for almost any outdoor activity. We have SUPs (Stand Up Paddleboards), tents, sleeping bags for summer or winter, sleeping pads, microspikes, hiking poles, backpacking stoves, and backpacks.
How do I rent outdoor gear in Flagstaff?
Easy, just click here and fill out this form, and we’ll have it waiting for you at Peace Surplus in downtown Flagstaff.
The form will prompt you to select the number of each item you would like to reserve by typing the quantity and number of days in the field. For example, if you want to rent a summer sleeping bag for four days, just type in “1 summer sleeping bag, four days” in the appropriate field.
There is a three-day minimum charge when you rent sleeping bags. You will receive a confirmation on the reservation, and we will follow up with you on larger reservations and issues. We take a credit card deposit on all rentals at the time of equipment pickup and payment.
No deposit is required for a reservation. We just ask that you contact us as soon as possible if you are canceling a reservation. Feel free to contact us at (928) 779-4521 or [email protected] if you have any questions!
Are you ready to explore?
We make it easy to rent outdoor gear from Peace Surplus, because we want to help you get outside as soon as possible. So what are you waiting for? Get outside and test out some of our gear!